Since I’ve been in Mexico, I’ve been pleasantly
surprised by all that I am able to find at the supermarkets.
Sure, sometimes I have to go to more than one
in any given week and I have to give Mexican brands a shot while also making
minor substitutions here and there, but I’m almost always able to recreate my
favorite dishes using locally found ingredients.
Have you all found the same thing?
Is there something you are looking for that
you haven’t found, or at least a reasonable substitution?
Let me know and perhaps we can find a
solution together so you can make your favorites, too.
Me with the Turkeys at Mercade de San Juan |
Even for me, though, there were a couple of things I was missing and
I knew I had to go out of my comfort zone to find them.
For example, I knew I wanted a fresh turkey
to serve this Thanksgiving, and I knew I wasn’t going to find it in any of the
major supermarkets as they only sell frozen birds.
(Please note, I do not think there’s anything
wrong with using frozen turkeys, I just enjoy finding fresh turkeys and
comparing flavors.)
Additionally, I have
really been missing having large, flavorful shallots.
All I have been able to find are tiny ones at
Chedraui, which are a pain to dice and often already rotten.
Finally, I have been sad that I couldn’t find
some of my favorite Asian vegetables.
Not that I was complaining!
know we really have it good here in terms of what we can acquire, but I thought
maybe if I went on a little adventure I could find what I was looking for, and
I did!
My Finished Turkey! |
So last week, the Monday before Thanksgiving, I went to Mercado de San Juan, mostly
in search of my turkey but also to see what I could discover.
It was a blast!
I have never in my life seen a 40 pound
turkey, but they had it there!
It was
bigger than my preschooler.
Needless to
say, I chose a smaller, 20 pound turkey as I was feeding 10 people plus 4
The turkeys were still whole, but
they fabricated it the way I wanted and even gave it a “bath” for me.
(I washed it again with a little bleach
solution when I got home for safety!)
The turkey
turned out amazing with great flavor, and everyone at my table was excited that they
got to experience a real Mexican turkey.
At Mercado de San Juan, I also found the HUGE shallots I’d been seeking,
and got about 12 for only 15 pesos!
also had a huge array of Asian vegetables, such as bok choy and different types
of radishes.
I was thrilled.
They also sell quality, whole Mexican,
Italian and Spanish hams at greatly reduced prices, amazing cheeses you cannot
find anywhere else, tons of rare Asian ingredients, and so much more—including
more Mexican specialties than I could possible list—as well as amazingly
beautiful, delicious fruits and other produce.
If you’d like to go on your own adventure to Mercado San Juan and see
what they have to offer for yourself, here’s how you get there.
The market is in a very large warehouse on
Ernesto Pugibet, between José María Marroquí y Luis Moya, four blocks from Eje
Central Lázaro Cárdenas. From the Embassy, go northeast on Reforma, right (east)
onto Donata Guerra, right (south) onto Eje. 1 Poniente, then left (east) onto
Ernesto Pugibet.
There is parking
available right outside the market for a small tip to the attendants. Here are two links to Google maps:
Here’s what I’m making with my finds!
Feel free to substitute leftover chicken or rotisserie chicken for the
turkey, and almost any hearty green you like for the bok choy.
(Swiss Chard, labeled “acelga”, is commonly
found in Mexican grocery stores.
If you
use a more tender green such as spinach, skip step 3 and add it with the turkey
in step 4.)
Asian Turkey Noodle Soup with Bok Choy
Adapted from Photo by Scott Phillips
Serves 4
4 oz thin Asian noodles of your preference, such as glass noodles or rice
4 Cups chicken or turkey broth
3 large cloves garlic, smashed and peeled
1 2-inch long piece of fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced then mashed
1 ½ Tbsp. soy sauce (more for serving)
1 medium head bok choy (about 8 oz.), sliced ¼-inch thick crosswise (about 3
Cups) [see note above for greens substitution ideas]
2 Cups coarsely shredded cooked turkey or chicken
2 scallions, both white and green parts, thinly sliced
In a 3-qt saucepan, bring the broth, garlic, ginger and
soy sauce to a rapid simmer over medium high heat.
Cover and continue to simmer for 10 minutes;
remove and discard garlic and ginger.
Add noodles to the broth and cook until tender.
Using tongs, distribute the noodles among 4
bowls, preserving the broth in the saucepan.
Add the bok choy to the broth and cook, uncovered,
until the white parts start to become tender, 3 to 4 minutes.
Remove the bok choy and distribute among the
4. Add the turkey to the broth and simmer until just heated through, about 30 seconds. Distribute the meat and the broth among the bowls. Top with the scallions and serve with more soy sauce on the side.